BardBending Fringe 2022


When: Sunday, July 31th @5 pm

Where: The Village Gate

274 Goodman St N #D310, Rochester, NY 14607


submit a video audition to before July 31th

To schedule an in-person audition, please fill out the online audition form at the bottom of the page, or contact us at


WallByrd Theatre Co. is seeking additional performers for our third year of Key Bank Rochester Fringe production of "BardBending".

These auditions are open to actors located in and around the Rochester area.

This will be a non-equity production.

Show dates will be…

Sunday, September 18 @ 4:30 pm

Saturday, September 24 @ 1:15 pm


BARDBENDING is Back! WallByrd Theatre Co. is once again twisting the conventions on gender in this modern mash-up of William Shakespeare’s greatest hits. From the side-splitting to the heart-wrenching, get a taste of the company's signature blend of pop culture and classics. BARDBENDING: A SAME-SEX SHAKESPEARE SAMPLER uses a unique lens to view how gender defines (and redefines) some of the greatest stories ever told.


Listed below are the potential scenes under consideration that will be featured this year.  

This is a non-equity production. 

Please Note: due to the conceptual direction of many scenes, roles may be open to either gender and age variations. 

Rehearsals will be focused around weekends beginning in August, 1 days per week, but may vary, depending on the demands of the role(s). 


Julius Caesar

Much Ado About Nothing


Taming of the Shrew

Measure for Measure



Audition Sign-Up


What will happen at auditions?


In person auditions will be held on Sunday, July 31th starting at 6pm.  Call backs (if needed) will be held at a later date.  Auditions will include a prepared monologue of your choice.  As scary as they are, we hope to make auditions as laid back and smooth as possible.  We want to see you at your best, not under the most stress.

What do I need to bring?


In addition to your headshot and resume, auditioners are encouraged to bring a prepared monologue of their choice (contemporary and/or Shakespear appropriate).  Be sure to dress comfortably as there may be a movement portion of the audition.  We also ask you to bring a list of all known rehearsal conflicts.  We do our best to work around conflicts, but only if they are identified early.

Do I need to have any experience with Shakespeare or other Jacobean theatre in order to audition?


No.  While this is a very rich text, there is no special training required in order to unlock it.  All you need is an open mind, and a sense of play.

I won't be available during the audition dates- can I still audition?


Yes!  We feel strongly about giving as many artists a chance to participate as possible.  If you are unavailable for the audition dates we recommend submitting a video recorded audition to